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Below you can find answers to some frequently asked questions that might help. If not, you can reach out to
Important Information:
Our email inbox is moderated weekdays between 9am to 5pm eastern by the amazing Jamie Davis. She endeavors to get back to everyone the day they write, but it can take up to 24 hours. Jamie is awesomesauce incarnate, but she is also human. She sleeps...sometimes.
We have worked together since 2016, and Jamie is integral to the success of my business. She is also a very nice person.
Jamie will stay in her chair under napping cats until they wake, no matter how badly she needs to get up. Jamie leaves snacks out for delivery people. She loves my readers as much as I do.
Jamie is much nicer than me. As you all know, I’m not actually nice at all. Which is why I tell Jamie not to put up with any shit in my inbox. We will refund and block in a hot second if you show up in my emails looking to unleash your frustrations on me and verbally hit Jamie.
Please see our refund policy at the bottom of the home page for further information on the subject.
No problem. Email, and Jamie will ask the BookFunnel support team to help, so stay tuned. Side note, the person who does BookFunnel’s support is also named Jamie–yeah, it’s confusing for us too. :) But there are two Jamies, just so you know.
Here is a link to the Sydney Rye Mysteries page:
No problem. Email and Jamie will get you sorted.
We don’t have a release date yet but will be sure to post on social media, send out an email, and generally yell from the rooftops when it’s ready. :)
Thank you!!! I love hearing from readers that they enjoy my writing.
I appreciate you think about my books so much! But I write “into the dark”, which means my characters lead the way. They don’t take input from me, so trust that they’re not going to listen to you. :)
Emily gives no fucks about your negative feelings. It’s not personal. But if you don’t like what Emily has to say, unsubscribe, unfollow, go away—there is an unsubscribe link at the bottom of every email, and blocking on social media is easy peasy. No one is forcing you into this relationship, and if you don’t want to be here, just go ahead and leave. No need to announce your exit with vitriol. Jamie won’t read past the first sentence, and Emily will never see it. You’re not going to get a response because we have no fucks to give you. We save them for Emily’s awesome readers who enjoy her work.