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Inviting Fire, Sydney Rye Mysteries #6 Sale -14%
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Listen to an audiobook preview or read the excerpt below! 

Hatred and desire haunted my dreams.

I woke up tangled in my sheets, Blue standing next to the bed, his eyes glowing green in the darkroom. He whined at me gently. "I'm okay," I told him. He pushed his nose against the mosquito net and whined again. "You don't think so?" I asked with a small laugh. 

He circled around to the net's opening. I sat up and reached through, petting his head to reassure him. Blue was a giant of a dog with one brown eye and one blue. When I adopted him he was tall, the height of a Great Dane, but thin. Still a puppy really. The pound in Bushwick, Brooklyn thought he was about a year old at the time. 

Over four years later, Blue looked very different. His coat, which had been ratty when I brought him home to my apartment in Park Slope, now shone in the soft light of my bedroom. He had the markings of a wolf. Black and white and beige all sharing space on his large form. His snout was long and made me think there was some collie in his ancestry. Blue's chest was broad and strong. The pink scars that marked the entrance and exit wounds from a bullet he took for me were hidden beneath his long coat.

My scars from that battle were more obvious. One ran under my left eye. White and pink, it arched across the top of my cheekbone, puckering the skin. Above that eye another scar, fainter than the first, ran across my forehead, slicing through my eyebrow and disappearing into my hair.

I wore my bangs long, covering the top scar. They almost reached to my gray eyes, but I made sure they never got in the way. My hair was dyed black and cut short, barely reaching my chin. The heat here was too much to bother with long locks.

I looked out the glass doors of my balcony and into the jungle. The sky was still dark, the foliage a pitch black mass. I heard the guttural roar of the howler monkeys and knew the sun would be here soon. Blue's nails clicked against the tile floor as he walked to the door. 

Blue stared at me, then looked at the door, then to me again. "I get it," I said. "You want to go for a run." He lowered his front end, waving his tail around in the air and let out a low warble. Some things would never change.

Throwing off the sheet, I climbed through the opening of my mosquito net. The tiles were cool against my bare feet. I dressed quickly, Blue following me around the room, encouraging me by tapping his nose against my hip. 

Sneakers tied, headlamp in place and phone in hand, I opened my bedroom door. The villa was dark. My house-mate, Cynthia Dawlings, was still in bed. The sky outside the glass was just turning a milky gray. As I closed the door behind me, another group of howler monkeys began their morning call. 

As Blue and I started down the path toward the trails, I heard another group of monkeys start up in response to the ones in my yard. And then another, like a round robin of roars. The path we walked on was lit by low lights, yellow and solar powered. The air was moist and fresh—it carried a chill that wouldn't last long once the sun rose. 

I passed other villas on my route. This was once an eco-resort. Now it was a training center for Joyful Justice, the stupidest named vigilante organization to ever blow stuff up. But no one asked me when they were naming it, even though I inspired the whole thing. They had it wrong—I am a monster, not a hero. 

I don’t care about justice; I crave revenge. 

P.S. The dog does not die.

**Beware: If you can’t handle a few f-bombs, you can’t handle this series.**

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K Kindle Customer verified
Quite a surprising ending
Format : Ebook
Sydney's continuing training reveals her inner demons. This is a great story and is not for kids. Robert Covax plays major role in this volume.
March 20, 2021 Verified Purchase
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L Linda J. Hixon
Jungle madness
Format : Ebook
When the author kills off a favorite, repeat character, I feel like I’m rereading Game of Thrones. And I don’t think it’s fair. Having said that, I am more and more reminded of the Jet series by Ru...
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August 9, 2020
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K Kindle Customer verified
The indomitable woman and dog.
Format : Ebook
The exciting adventures continue with this book. Sydney travels through jungles and deep forests fighting for justice while fighting her own deamons.
May 12, 2020 Verified Purchase
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A Amazon Customer verified
as advertised
Format : Ebook
as advertised
November 12, 2019 Verified Purchase
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D Dave verified
I am binge reading the rest of the series and loving them
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I had been hoarding a bunch of the Sidney Rye novels and I decided that was foolish. I am binge reading the rest of the series and loving them. A strong female lead, fighting for right as she nav...
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October 11, 2019 Verified Purchase
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K Karon Quigley verified
Unpredictable and Exciting
Format : Ebook
I love this series. This is number 6. I’m on to number 7 now. I like Sydney Rye, but it is definitely not for young kids. I would rate it R. No one under 17. I wish some of the language were n...
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September 28, 2019 Verified Purchase
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K Kindle Customer verified
Format : Ebook
It looks like Sydney Rye has agreed to merge with another company. She has also taken over control of Joyful Justice.What is her next adventure?
September 11, 2019 Verified Purchase
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K Kindle Customer verified
Things Are Really Heating Up Now
Format : Ebook
It only took one sitting to read this unputdownable episode in the life of Sydney Rye. And what a thrilling read it was! The action was so fast-paced that I didn't realize the time until I finished...
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July 21, 2019 Verified Purchase
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D Donne Knudsen
Inviting Fire
Format : Ebook
Wow!!! This series just keeps getting better and better! While the beginning was horribly sad (I actually cried), the rest of the book read like a James Bond movie. I've decided that's who Syd r...
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June 22, 2019
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R Rosemary56
Inviting Fire - a review by Rosemary Kenny
Format : Ebook
Sydney Rye's never one to back down from a fight or danger - even when it's with or from a supposed ally. Emily Kimelman has done it again with Inviting Fire, the 6th in the Sydney Rye Mysteries se...
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