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But no one wants to admit it.
I put a P.S. on some of my posts that I don’t want to hear anyones’ disappointment or outrage that I’m not being polite. And the comments about how people are NOT mad but still feel the need to comment about how WRONG I am…are revealing. 😂
Um, sir, you wouldn’t waste your time correcting me in all caps if you weren’t mad.
Side note: my favorite lately is the barrage of people telling me that using the line “people wielding a uterus” is not feminist which is such an awesome way to show your transphobia. People also say that clearly I’m afraid to say the word woman…Sir, Madam, you are mistaken. 😂
I admit my posts are controversial because they are honest AF. I’m not hiding my feelings, I’m not pretending to be polite and nice. That’s not my nature, and I’m not going to fake it for anyone, let alone strangers on these here interwebs.
I don’t have a problem with my anger now, but I used to. In my younger years I lost my shit in moments that didn’t make sense, but I’m in my forties now. I’m good friends with my rage these days. We are sisters-in-arms. Rage points out the problems, and I come in with the logic, forethought, and persistence to create change.
You want to know something amazing about befriending your rage, admitting you have that emotion, and listening to it from a place of acceptance? You get to work with it instead of fighting against it.
I’m enraged by the greed, short-sightedness, and ignorance of climate deniers. I’m enraged by the state of equality in our country—the richest in the world with the largest economic inequality of any industrialized nation. WTF 🇺🇸? The mis and dis information destroying our chances of saving the planet and creating a society that works for everyone is infuriating. I channel my anger into volunteering, voting, and my books.
My Sydney Rye Mysteries are an exploration of rage from the perspective of a woman…who happens to wield a uterus. 😂
If you’re afraid of your anger, Sydney might help you make friends with it—she has certainly helped me. And if you and your rage are already besties…then you can read the books for Blue. 😂
Sydney Rye and her dog, Blue, exact justice with a vengeance. The dog doesn’t die, but the bad guys do—it’s cathartic AF.
If you’re easy to piss off—that’s okay. Read on and let that rage out. 😉
📚 Pay what you want for the first 8 Sydney Rye Mysteries in ebook or digital audiobook. Save 40% on paperbacks:
📚 Continue the adventure with books 9-12:
📚 Catch up with books 13-15:
📚 Catch up with books 16-18:
📖 Preorder Feral Vengeance, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 19:
**This preorder is for late 2025, so please be aware it won’t arrive until then.**
📙 If you’re all caught up with Sydney Rye, read A Spy is Born, Starstruck Thrillers Book 1:
📖 If you read book 1, preorder Lone Spy, Starstruck Thrillers Book 2:
**This preorder is for summer 2025, so please be aware it won’t arrive until then.**
☕️ If you’ve read all the Sydney Rye Mysteries and Starstruck Thrillers THANK YOU.
The best way to reward yourself for all of that reading is with your very own mug, tote, or wine tumbler with quotes from the books, check out my exclusive merchandise:
I’ve decided to retire my Emily Reed pen name and the urban fantasy books written under it. If you want to check them out before they leave all retailers, including my bookstore, you can purchase ebooks and digital audiobooks from my website...
Paperbacks are available at Amazon.
Read boldly, rage wisely. 😉
Pet Shout Out
Dawn shared her rescue, Mikey with us. This sweet girl has her own bedroom with two windows and a queen-sized bed. How awesome is that?
**Have a picture you want to share of your favorite animal buddy? We'd love to see, and we just might include it in a newsletter.**
P.S. I promise the dog doesn’t die…but I make no assurances about anyone else. 😈
P.P.S. You should unfollow me now if you have issues with "strong" language, sex out of wedlock, or LGBTQ+ characters. 👈 Top 3 things my one-star reviews complain about.