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We are experiencing psychological warfare.

We are experiencing psychological warfare.

  • 01 February, 2025
  • Emily Kimelman

All the news coming so fast and furious is on purpose, designed to destroy our nervous systems and weaken our resolve.

The people responsible for it are not hiding what they’re doing. They talk about it all the time in interviews. They have for over a decade.

They want us scared, overwhelmed, and incapable of action.

That’s not to say terrible things are not happening. They are. Do not let them gaslight you into thinking everything is okay. Do not let them gaslight you into thinking that a Nazi isn’t a Nazi. Making you doubt everything is vital to their success.

You are not overreacting—this is cruel insanity. But we can’t let them ruin our nervous systems.

That doesn’t mean we don’t fight. We do.

We donate to our local food banks, Planned Parenthood, climate nonprofits, and anything else we care about. We volunteer where we can, reach out to our representatives, and for the love of all things, when the time comes, we vote.

But when we are not doing those things, we need to avoid being sucked into the 💩🌪️.

I have not checked my comments or scrolled my social media feed in over a week and I’m not sure when or if I will start doing it again. Trolls will be trolling, readers will be reading, and I will be writing feminist vigilante thrillers that I know help people.

It took me a long time to accept my work actually helps people—it always felt somewhat selfish to be an author. Shouldn’t I be out doing something rather than typing away? But I’ve come to realize the catharsis I gain from writing my books is shared with my readers.

Sydney Rye and her dog, Blue, exact justice with a vengeance. The dog doesn’t die, but the bad guys do. And it really is cathartic AF.

My books are a safe place to feel your feelings. Which you HAVE to do.

Let’s not pretend. Let’s stop being polite. This 💩is very real. And if we don’t feel our feelings, we will crumble from the weight of it all.

We have to manage our relationship with anger and sorrow. To fear and uncertainty. We must maintain the ability to relax.

I maintain by writing my novels. And after the election, my inbox was filled with people telling me my books were the only thing keeping them sane—those messages helped me so much.

Because what we all want to do is help. We hate this malevolent administration. And we hate hating it. We want to do something. To help someone. But we can’t do that if we are nervous wrecks.

I know my job moving forward is to write books, for my own health, and I know they will help people like me. People who literally cannot stand what is happening. Who feel like their skin is being burned from the inside. Whose rage and sorrow will consume them if they don’t find a way to find peace with it.

Right now, that rapist, racist, felon and his Christo Fascist allies control the narrative. We can’t let ourselves be destroyed by their story.

So read a book, take a walk in nature. Go on an ass-kicking adventure with Sydney Rye and Blue. Put your oxygen mask on so that you can help the person next to you.

📚 Pay what you want for the first 8 Sydney Rye Mysteries in ebook or digital audiobook. Save 40% on paperbacks:

📚 Continue the adventure with books 9-12:

📚 Catch up with books 13-15:

📘 Read Relentless, Sydney Mysteries Book 16:

📗 Read Jagged Truth, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 17:

📕 Download the newest release, Brutal Mercy, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 18:

📖 Preorder Feral Vengeance, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 19:

**This preorder is for late 2025, so please be aware it won’t arrive until then.**

📘 If you’re all caught up with Sydney Rye, start A Spy is Born, Starstruck Thrillers Book 1:

☕️ If you’ve read all the Sydney Rye Mysteries and Starstruck Thrillers THANK YOU.

The best way to reward yourself for all of that reading is with your very own mug, tote, or wine tumbler with quotes from the books, check out my exclusive merchandise:

Do something great for yourself and pet your favorite furry friend for me...


Pet Shout Out
Brenda shared her beautiful cat, Bones, with us. Just look at those eyes! 😻 

**Have a picture you want to share of your favorite animal buddy? We'd love to see, and we just might include it in a newsletter.**

P.S. I promise the dog doesn’t die…but I make no assurances about anyone else. 😈

P.P.S. You should unfollow me now if you have issues with "strong" language, sex out of wedlock, or LGBTQ+ characters. 👈 Top 3 things my one-star reviews complain about.


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