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About selling my books from my own bookstore is sometimes we get a screamer in the inbox. 😱 Someone who misinterprets the normal hiccups of commerce as a personal attack on themselves and then attacks my inbox like it’s a bone and they are a junkyard dog who hasn’t been fed in days.
Now look, I understand life is frustrating. As a fellow adult, I know how hard it is out here in the real world. But we all know that going off on strangers doesn’t make it better. Unless those strangers are internet trolls, in which case it can totally make things better. 😂
But I’m not talking about trolls. I’m talking about my business manager, Jamie Davis, a very nice lady. This is the lady who stocks her garage fridge with water and Gatorade so anyone doing work at her place can grab a cold drink. She puts out snacks for delivery men. She will stay in her chair until her cats wake up from their nap and THEY decide it’s time to move.
Jamie is a very nice person. Much nicer than me. As you all know, I’m not actually nice at all. Which is why I tell Jamie not to put up with any shit from customers. We will refund and block in a hot second if you show up in my emails looking to unleash your frustrations on me, and hit Jamie instead.
We try to live by Sydney Rye’s motto of taking no shit and giving no fucks. But we do give many fucks about my readers.
We love them. Jamie will metaphorically hold your hand if you’re reading my books and freaking out. She will message back and forth with you until you reach the end and then drop you a link for the next book in the series.
The woman could be put up for bookish sainthood. I’m serious.
So don’t come at her.
We are not scammers. We are not trying to get one over on anyone. Jamie and I are proud of my books—which Jamie is integral in the production of. We are proud of our direct sales machine—which we built together. But we are not infallible. Nor are we immune from the mercurial moods of the internet, credit card processors, the mail, and any number of other tools we use.
We also can’t help it if you entered your email address incorrectly…👀
We sell my books directly to customers for many reasons and the biggest is to have a closer relationship with my readers. My branding is all about empowerment, about owning your truth, and trusting yourself. About how it’s right to be angry at the wrongs in the world. And healthy ways to direct that anger for good.
All caps yelling at Jamie because you mistyped your email address and didn’t get your books is not one of them. Don’t scream at strangers—it’s not cool. And they may not be even remotely afraid to hit back. They may even screenshot your emails and use it in their marketing to prove how little shit they take. 😈
If you want to experience our awesome customer service yourself, then take advantage of my pay what you want offer for the first 8 Sydney Rye Mysteries. 😉
📚 Pay what you want for the first 8 Sydney Rye Mysteries in ebook or digital audiobook. Save 40% on paperbacks:
📚 Continue the adventure with books 9-12:
📚 Catch up with books 13-15:
📘 Read Relentless, Sydney Mysteries Book 16:
📗 Read Jagged Truth, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 17:
📗 Download the newest release, Brutal Mercy, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 18:
📗 If you’re all caught up with Sydney Rye, start A Spy is Born, Starstruck Thrillers Book 1:
☕️ If you’ve read all the Sydney Rye Mysteries and Starstruck Thrillers THANK YOU.
The best way to reward yourself for all of that reading is with your very own mug, tote, or wine tumbler with quotes from the books, check out my exclusive merchandise:
Until next week...
P.S. I promise the dog doesn't die but make no assurances about anyone else. 😈
P.P.S. You should probably unfollow me now if you have issues with "strong" language, sex out of wedlock, or LGBTQ+ characters. 👈 Top 3 things my one-star reviews complain about.