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If I have to make one prediction...

If I have to make one prediction...

  • 04 January, 2025
  • Emily Kimelman

About 2025, it’s that it will be infuriating. 😂

People often say to me: “Wow, you sound really angry.”

To which I respond: “Wow, you can identify emotions as well as a toddler.”

Yes, Jerry, I’m angry.

Aren’t you? If not, what the actual f***?

Are you blind?

Incapable of empathy?


Is it because you think men with VERY long and well-documented histories of sexual assault should be allowed to hold public office and be the leaders of the free f***ing world?

I had someone tell me they didn’t care what he did in his “personal life” as long as he brought down the price of groceries, which is…so…infuriating.

Depressing is another apt word for that self-centered, confused, pathetic opinion. He “🍇pes” in his private life, and that’s none of my business. He’s a “felon” in his private life committing financial crimes and lying so hard it’s actually illegal. But that doesn’t affect ME. That’s his PRIVATE life. WTAF?! And that was a woman, for the record. A WOMAN.

Are you mad yet, Billy?

And I’m not mad at the woman who said that per se—she’s struggling. Desperate. And she’s been so lied to, so manipulated, she thinks a racist, 🍇ist, fascist felon might solve her problems.

I’m infuriated that we have allowed our fellow citizens to be so uneducated about history, personal responsibility, and how the world literally f*****g works that they could have such an uninformed and just plain stupid f*****g opinion.

So yeah, I’m angry.

And it’s not new for me.

I’ve been angry since I was old enough to see what the f*** is going on around here.

I was in New York on 9/11, and I watched the Bush administration’s ridiculous response with clear eyes and clenched fists.

I started writing my Sydney Rye Mysteries in 2005 when I was 24 years old. I published the first one, Unleashed, in 2011.

So, yes, Bertrude, I’m mad, I’m f***ing pissed. And I’ve been this way for decades because I’m not an ill-informed patsy, blind to reality.

I write violent feminist vigilante thrillers to deal with my rage. And I post my thoughts online. And I do a lot of other work to try to create a more just world where women won’t be turning to 🍇pists for salvation. Where racist will be afraid again. And our children will have a planet to live on.

And here’s the other thing, Nathaniel, I’m not the only pissed-off person. There are SO MANY people who are just as angry as me. I’ve got the book sales to prove it. I get comments and emails every single day from people telling me my books are helping them deal with the rage they feel about this absolute dumpster fire of a timeline we are existing in.

Because the thing is, Sharon, yes, I’m angry, but I’m also active. I am working to change the world. Working so that my descendants won’t have to be this angry. Won’t have to live with this level of f***ery.

My books help me and my readers process our feelings because we are not toddlers, we are full-grown ass adults done with this bull. Ready to be the change we want to see in the world.

Sydney Rye and her dog, Blue, exact justice with a vengeance. The dog doesn’t die, but the bad guys do. And it’s cathartic AF.

📚 Pay what you want for the first 8 Sydney Rye Mysteries in ebook or digital audiobook. Save 40% on paperbacks:

📚 Continue the adventure with books 9-12:

📚 Catch up with books 13-15:

📘 Read Relentless, Sydney Mysteries Book 16:

📗 Read Jagged Truth, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 17:

📕 Download the newest release, Brutal Mercy, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 18:

📖 Preorder Feral Vengeance, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 19:

**This preorder is for late 2025, so please be aware it won’t arrive until then.**

📘 If you’re all caught up with Sydney Rye, start A Spy is Born, Starstruck Thrillers Book 1:

☕️ If you’ve read all the Sydney Rye Mysteries and Starstruck Thrillers THANK YOU.

The best way to reward yourself for all of that reading is with your very own mug, tote, or wine tumbler with quotes from the books, check out my exclusive merchandise:

I hope 2025 is off to a great start for you!

Until next week... 


P.S. I promise the dog doesn’t die…but I make no assurances about anyone else. 😈

P.P.S. You should unfollow me now if you have issues with "strong" language, sex out of wedlock, or LGBTQ+ characters. 👈 Top 3 things my one-star reviews complain about.

Pet Shout Out

Reader Marc M. shared this gorgeous picture of his dog, Romi. She has Heterochromia—just like Blue! 

**Have a picture you want to share of your favorite animal buddy? We'd love to see, and we just might include it in a newsletter.**

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