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I’ve been called trash in reviews before. 🗑

I’ve been called trash in reviews before. 🗑

  • 11 November, 2023
  • Emily Kimelman

Don’t worry, my feelings weren’t hurt. If anything, I felt a little thrill that my words got under someone's skin and made them feel something strong enough to respond.

And I also thought…hahaha. No, you’re trash! Because anyone who calls a stranger trash is, in fact, the trash! Which is…trashy. 😂

Now look, it IS trashy to name-call anyone. Strangers, loved ones, doesn’t matter…name-calling anyone is just bad news.

It’s that whole “othering” thing humans do that gets us into trouble. The idea that if THEY are trash then I am NOT. But none of us are trash. We are people.

Here is a little secret I’m figuring out as I get older. Judging others is just judging ourselves. Those people who called me trash, well… I judged them. For their beliefs that my beliefs made me "bad". For having those old, tired beliefs in the first place. For going on the internet and name-calling. Because I am afraid that I also do all those things.

Certainly, I have name-called on the internet. And in my heart, I have hated people who were different from me. Of course, in my mind, it’s usually in defense of myself, of my side.

If you want to prevent LGBTQ+ people from having equal rights…I’m going to judge you. If you think a woman’s place is in the home, and that our little brains can’t handle leadership, I’m going to judge you. Is it the best thing about me? No. But I’m a person…just like all those people I’m judging.

But hey, at least I won’t physically attack you like Sydney Rye would. So, therefore, I am still a good person. 😂

But seriously, if you get wrapped up in all the crap of the world, may I suggest you read one of my books. Sydney Rye and Blue kick ass, take names, and judge the crap out of people so you don’t have to…enjoy!

📚 Pay what you want for the first 8 Sydney Rye Mysteries in ebook or digital audiobook. Save 40% on paperbacks:

📚 Already read 1-8…continue the adventure with books 9-12:

📚Catch up with books 13-15:

📘Buy, Relentless, Sydney Mysteries Book 16:

📗 Download the new release, Jagged Truth, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 17:

📗Be Ready for next year with Brutal Mercy, Sydney Rye Mysteries Book 18:

☕️ If you’ve read all the Sydney Rye Mysteries and preordered Brutal Mercy, THANK YOU.

Judging by your excellent taste, I think you may enjoy my merchandise. Graced with classic advice like Take No Shit, Give No Fucks and personal truths like I want to live in a world where the dog doesn’t die, but the bad guys do my mugs, totes, dog bowls, and more are the perfect way to reward yourself for being so fucking awesome.

All caught up on Sydney Rye? Try A Spy is Born, Starstruck Thrillers book 1…it opens with a man being beaten to death with his own Oscar. And by my judgment he totally deserved it. 😉

Have a non-trashy day... 😉


P.S. The dog doesn't die, but the bad guys do.

P.P.S. I promise the dog doesn’t die…but I make no assurances about anyone else. 😈

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